Saturday, November 20, 2010

The tradition continues...

A long standing McNeil tradition is to not pay excessive amounts of money for lawnmowers. I'm happy to say the tradition continues today. With about $30 in tune-up materials I successfully resurrected the old lawnmower the previous tenants of our house left in the woods. I'll put up some pictures tomorrow, but it was actually a pretty sweet little Briggs and Straton mower underneath the grime, rusted out blade, burned out spark plug, and oil like tar.

Hooray for fixing things!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Halloween 2010

I know it's a bit late, but here are some pics from this year's Halloween!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New car!!!

We got a new car!!! for me!!!

It's gorgeous - it's a silver 2007 Impreza. I love it. It is wonderful. And fast. And is in perfect condition, with low mileage (and can pass inspection in VA). And I love it. Did I mention that I love it? It's a hatchback, gets pretty good gas mileage, and has plenty of room for the critters in it. Yaaaaaaaay. It's super fun to drive too. I'm calling it the Silver.

A pic from the website...

I will miss my Raisin... still not sure what to do with it...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gemini is clearly living a difficult life

We were away this weekend, and a friend from the SCBI was house-sitting for the fuzzies. She got this classic shot while she was studying...