Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Visit to Blandy Arboretum

This rock begged to be climbed

The dramatic angle for increased artistic impact.

My favorite bird (that I've never actually seen)-the Bobwhite Quail.

But really, I'm holding one here...really.

Project time: A knitted blanket

During the winter, we decided that it would be a good idea to do something about our old red chair, or rather I should say Shasta's red chair.  We actually moved it out of our room for a while and replaced it with a brand new ottoman.  Alas, our fuzzy little creature of habit refused to sleep on it and instead decided our bed was the next best option.   After a few weeks of none of us sleeping very well, we moved the chair back into our room, puppy promptly moved back into it, and glorious sleep ensued.

But the chair was still ugly.

We toyed with the idea of sheets and other covers, but Steph found an online video that showed how you could knit a blanket using thick wool roving and knitting needles made out of PVC pipes.

So we decided we could do that too.

Steph spent a Saturday teaching me how to knit (on little needles) and we went in search of thick yarn.  Alas, after visiting every yarn seller in town, we couldn't find anything that fit the bill and wasn't too expensive, so we decided to make our own "yarn" out of felt:
Cutting the felt strips-hooray for rolling cutters!

So we ended up with a bazillion 1 inch strips of felt that then needed to be sewn together.

Steph is much better at sewing the strips together than me.

When we were ready, we coiled all the felt into several bins and prepped our needles with duct tape and cardboard tips (the pictured ones are actually smaller diameter than the ones we ultimately used)
So with our materials prepped we set out to knit.  But
 knitting with little needles and knitting with PVC pipes are two completely different tasks.  You really can't do more than 3 or 4 rows before your arms feel like they've been set on fire.  Even so, we kept at it:

That's the smile that says "I can't feel my biceps anymore!"
As it got longer, Shasta started to test drive it.
Eventually, we finished it, though!
That thing is toasty too, let me tell you!
Novel means of transporting the finished blanket.
The suspense was killing Shasta...

So we brought it upstairs with unbridled enthusiasm,  put it on the chair and...

It looked like a cargo net on a really ugly shipping crate.

Fortunately, with the application of a white sheet underneath we cut down on the "net to capture wild animal" look and reached a "textured" look
That's the ottoman we bought in front of it.  The dog ended up with the equivalent of a twin bed.  And yes, she knows she's spoiled ;)
Most importantly, though, the dog will sleep in the chair (which means we can all sleep at night) and it no longer looks like the monster chair in the corner is going to eat you.
"Guys-you know I shed black hair right?"
(Oh yes, which is why we now have a gray blanket, but, eh, it works)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Coming soon...

Favorite work images, plus garden updates.  Plus guests and gratuitous pet shots :-)

Easter and other family adventures!

Almost time to eat!

The whole clan!

Another delicious cake

Mom mixes the dressing and I check the dog.

"I found a bird piece"

At the Jersey Shore

More pictures from the spring: Snowday!

Even teachers like a good snowday!

View from the front

View from the back

Tea and scones-the perfect way to celebrate the day!

Hooray for snowmen in the front yard (and friendly neigborhood kids who take pictures)

More pictures from the recent-ish past: Apple Blossom Festival

Apple Blossom Weekend breakfast (the pink lemonade mimosas were a nice touch I thought)

We had the motorcycles lining up again this year.

Shasta was mostly unperturbed. (Mostly)

We also had the classic cars line up too!

You know who this one's for :)

It's summertime-where did the spring go?

So it's time for a massive blog update (well past time actually).  Here's some pics from the past few...well, months really that are what we've been up to!

Steph and one of the dogs at the farm we visited for class.

The yellow face of the entomologist after a day in the streams.

Cool critters!  A gomphid dragonfly larvae (best family name ever-say it outloud without smiling, I dare you)
and a giant stonefly

Steph found the cool critters first!

Morning drama back in April-Shasta uncovered a nest of baby bunnies (less than 1 day old).  This is the one we took to the wildlife rehab center nearby.

This is the rest of the nest-alas, despite our best efforts we think the neighborhood cats got to them.