Friday, January 21, 2011

Squirrels in the house

It's confirmed: we definitely have squirrels in the attic. Yay!
Just saw one run across our deck, up the railing, and disappear. And I can hear them basically all day long up there. SO glad we don't own this house, and that this isn't our problem :-D

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yay! Being better rocks!

I got sick about two weeks ago. I went through the Sore Throat from Hell, the Cold from Hell, and then the Stomach Flu from Hell. Now, I'm better! Yay!

Things I have done today:

-eaten food (that stayed where it was supposed to!)
-used only a fraction of a box of tissues
-stayed awake for longer than two hours at a time
-slept with my mouth closed
-gone shopping! near people!
-went to a meeting! with people!
-answered all my emails! even the ones requiring 'thinking'
-and more, but I won't bore you anymore.

Things I plan to do:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life recently

We definitely have become lazy about updating this blog. We'll get better about it, we promise. Really.

Things we've been up to lately:

I graduated! Yay!
Christmas in South Salem- it was lovely! And Gemmy does love her Christmas trees.

Christmas in Cobleskill, where we had the rare opportunity to carve a green Christmas pumpkin.
New Year's Eve in Ithaca, where we got to see the Sim Redmond Band! Which was great, as always.We built a little shed, which involved screwing about 5 million screws and bolts and nuts in arctic temperatures, and is just big enough to fit Jim's chair, and our camping equipment (and Jim, when he misses his chair).
Enjoyed some wonderful sparkling wine mailed from upstate New York :-)

And we're now eagerly awaiting spring. Apparently it comes earlier here. And it's been in the 40's all week, so I guess I believe it?
What has everyone else been up to?

How to remove iron stains from dishes

Answer: Lemon juice

I had wanted to try a bunch of different acids and other types of soaps, but the first thing we tried worked! Here's how we did it:

This is what it looked like before we started....

We put a bottle's worth of lemon juice into a container. We used a stainless steel cooking pot, but any container would work well, and I'd recommend one that you don't use regularly.

We tried scrubbing it a bit after it had soaked over night, and most of it came off right then. But rather than scrubbing, it's easier to just wait for 3-4 days, and then wipe all the stain off with a soft cloth or sponge.And here you go! After soaking in lemon juice for 3-4 days, all the stains are gone. Neat, huh?

I'm pretty sure it would work equally well to stack the dishes inside the container so you could do more than one at a time. Either way though, you reuse the lemon juice, so it's not too wasteful, and doesn't involve any harsh chemicals.

Monday, January 10, 2011

No snow for us...

The Northeast has had two major snowstorms since Christmas, and another is supposed to hit tomorrow/Wednesday. We've managed to avoid both of them with our sheer bad luck. Jim and I have developed our anti-snow forcefield till it's approximately 40 miles in radius on any side.

See that little white spot in the middle of northern Virginia? Yeah. We're right in the center.