Saturday, February 9, 2008

Candy fried eggs!

This is hands down the best novelty candy item I've seen in a long time: gummy fried eggs! They look like eggs but (fortunately) just taste like gummy worms. The prank possibilities are nearly endless.

This was one of several great discoveries made today at a local country store. In addition to an entire aisle of homemade candy items, they had one of the most complete selections of grains/sugar/spices/random baking and canning goods of any place I've ever seen. They had several things I couldn't even figure out what you'd use it for, such as saltpetre! I thought it was just for blackpowder, but it was next to the baking supplies, so I'm hoping it has some culinary uses too (although, maybe if you're doing flambe....hmmmm, more possibilities). The best part was all of the supplies were really affordable! We'll definitely be going back even after our time in the Land of Giant Spoons is done.

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