Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Sketch

Here's a preview of my latest drawing project...


Bink said...

Oh No... What is going to happen now?

Tam said...

I saw a billboard the other day with a picture of a sad, serious looking little girl and the huge words "PROMISE ME," under which were the tiny words "you won't ship firewood."
I think it had something to do with beetles, though.

Tam said...

I really like how the cart is being pulled by a non-psocopteran.

Steph said...

yeah, Jim can give you more details but the basic idea is that moving firewood moves invasive insects which kills forests. I'm glad they're advertising that though!

Jim said...

Steph's totally got it-in Maryland it's probably specifically against a pest called Emerald Ash Borer...a really pretty little beetle, but it's REALLY destructive.