Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Christmas mold!

One of my big Christmas presents this year was a box of mold! Although any mold would be interesting (fungi rank a close second behind insects in terms of my scientific fascination), this particular mold went above and beyond because I can eat it! That's right-I got a mushroom growing kit! And in the past week it's finally started to yield!

The pictures below are of the portabellas we had last week, but just last night we had our first round of white button mushrooms. We sauteed both types in garlic and butter and added a dash of white wine to the button mushrooms. They were absolutely delicious! I think the fact that they were eaten minutes from being harvested had a lot to do with their tastiness. If you ever get the opportunity to eat very fresh mushrooms, I highly recommend it.

A pile of perfect portobellos
Mushrooms are delicious...CRAZY delicious!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Are you sure those are portobellos? That's a pretty crazy glint in your eye!!

Anonymous said...

This explains a lot, Jim! ;)

By the way, do not click "Ivan's" link above. "He" is a notorious virus-spreader. One way to stop these anonymous spam-messages is to change your blogspot settings in such a way that people have to prove to be human by typing a messed-up word.