Thursday, March 17, 2011

Signs of spring

Robins, spring peepers, flowering daffodils, warm weather, etc. - spring has well and truly arrived. We spent the whole afternoon in a t-shirt painting our furniture orange, yellow and green.

Really. It's awesome.

Last weekend, I started seeds for our garden:

Look at all those little baby plants!
Oh wait, now you can see them.
Here's another closeup.

I also repotted my plants. This would be boring if it weren't for this philodendron- which is taking over the world.
There was no dirt in this pot. This is all it. Only roots. It's like a crazy X-files plant that will eat our brains in our sleep.


Sarah said...

It was 60 this morning! 60! but now it is 50, and dropping. The crocuses JUST fought their way out of the mulch. So, I am jealous--- JEALOUS--- of your plant growing. You'll have vegetables before I plant mine I have a feeling!!

Steph said...

We might! It was 82 yesterday :-D I haven't seen crocuses here at all- the daffodils are in bloom, but no one seems to have crocuses. Maybe they're not a Virginia thing? I miss them.