Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rain, rain go away....

please don't wash our road away...

It's raining really, really hard. We're supposed to get more than two inches of rain today. Poor Shasta, who hates the rain, has been refusing to go to the bathroom while she's getting rained on, so she's been antsy all day. To give you a hint about how much she hates being rained on, her leash clasp slid off her collar while we were taking these pictures, and being the lab mix she is, she took off for the wilderness - we ran inside to drop off the camera and find some treats to bribe her with, and she bolted in the open door behind us. Last week, when it was merely drizzling, it took more than two hours to catch her and bring her in when she bolted out the door I had stupidly left open.

This is why our house is on stilts.

Our neighbor's yard...

Our other neighbor's yard...

This is the border between our yard and our neighbor's yard.

To really show you, watch this:

and this:

Gotta say, though - even though we're probably going to wash into the lake in the next hour or two, at least we've got green leaves, spring flowers, and this rain, while drenching, is taking place in 70 degree weather....

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